An Indian general insurance company. The company provides insurance to individuals and corporates. It offers a range of general insurance products including insurance for automobile, home, personal accident, travel, energy, marine, property and casualty as well as specialized financial lines.

  • ~$1.2B GWP
  • 90+ Offices in India
  • 10k+ Employees
  • 65k+ Agents
  • Cumbersome data consolidation process, disparate excel models & dashboards running manually
  • Lack of agility and scenario planning capabilities to manage multiple versions of the data
  • Data quality and reconciliation issues between statutory, management, and regulatory sets of data
  • Manually intensive budgeting, forecasting, and reporting process
  • Long Range Planning

    Identifying and streamlining requirements while establishing the timelines for procurement, with the goal of acquiring them precisely when needed.

  • Budgeting & Forecasting

    Identifying expected demand levels for the product or service with multiple subtle changes that add up over time and change the trajectory of demand.

  • Specialty Planning

    Transforming a strategic plan into a detailed roadmap, delineating precise actions the team will undertake on a weekly, and at times, a daily basis.

  • Scenario Planning (What-If)

    A dynamic evaluation process to ensure that the production capacity aligns seamlessly with the evolving demands for products.

  • Management Reporting

    Identifying and streamlining requirements while establishing the timelines for procurement, with the goal of acquiring them precisely when needed.

  • Planning Budgeting, Forecasting & Long-Range Planning
  • Top-Down & Bottom-UP Sales Planning at a granular Level ( Location, Line of Business, Channel/Verticals & Business Type).
  • Expense Planning – Driver-based Direct & Indirect cost planning
  • Captured as-is and to-be processes, reports and templates
  • Costing - Driver-based cost allocations
  • P&L Statement, Balance Sheet, Cashflow & Solvency
  • What-IF Analysis on the Financial Statement & Solvency KPIs Built complex models and reconciled data across multiple sources
  • Linked corporate plan to financial plans and business unit plans
  • Linked insights to LRP, AOP & Forecasts
  • Ability to perform “what-if” scenario
  • Alignment of Obj, plans & tactics
  • Forecasts now done on a rolling basis
  • End-of-month financial statements are updated every hour. Pre-Anaplan, this took 3x as long
  • Timely & Reliable business insights
  • Significant error reduction and save time and effort by maintaining one version of truth & discipline throughout planning process analysis and consensus planning
  • Improvement in the revenue uplift and expenses control by 3%-5%

Trusted by Industry Leaders