An Indian health insurance provider falls under the regulatory authority of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI).

  • ~ 50k M Revenue
  • 170+ Branches
  • ~ 360+ Cities
  • ~ 6.5k+ Employees
  • Reporting is done using spreadsheets which is very time consuming and cumbersome activity
  • The Reporting system follows 2-dimensional architecture
  • Data is in unstructured formats that requires a cleansing process
  • Critical Policies
  • Data integration between multiple systems were done manually
  • SPM

    Identifying and streamlining requirements while establishing the timelines for procurement, with the goal of acquiring them precisely when needed.

  • TQM

    Identifying expected demand levels for the product or service with multiple subtle changes that add up over time and change the trajectory of demand.

  • ICM

    Transforming a strategic plan into a detailed roadmap, delineating precise actions the team will undertake on a weekly, and at times, a daily basis.

  • Reporting

    Identifying and streamlining requirements while establishing the timelines for procurement, with the goal of acquiring them precisely when needed.

  • ICM Model Covered ~50 Scenarios, ~15 channels and 3-4 Hierarchy Levels
  • Worked based upon CPC Modeling (Criteria's, Parameters and conditions)
  • Audit Trails to trace changes
  • Data Warehouse setup
  • ETL Process Design
  • Eliminate Spreadsheets and siloed/manual Process.
  • Data Model setup
  • Query Builder Setup
  • Exceptions favoritism removal
  • New UX Dashboard Design with proper instructions.
  • Eliminate spreadsheets and siloed/manual processes
  • Improved data quality and governance
  • 2-3X Faster cycles: months  weeks
  • Dynamic changes and realignment
  • Reduced attritions
  • Reduced expenses and operating costs
  • KPI’s for tracking and monitoring Incentives.
  • Access Based controls.
  • Significant error reductions
  • Aligned sales behaviors & incentives
  • Analysis available at least level.
  • Timely rollout od sales plans.
  • Improved cross-functional visibility and decision-making

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