A renowned high-tech portfolio company includes intelligent cloud services, data services, and storage infrastructure that helps organizations manage applications and data everywhere across hybrid multi-cloud environments. The company’s cloud services and the world’s largest public clouds have been fostering mutually beneficial relationships ever since, well, cloud became a thing

  • ~$5B Revenues
  • 10+ Countries
  • 20+ Industries
  • 10+ Product & Services
  • ~11k+ Employees
  • 10+ Languages
  • More than 2 Billion $ direct materials managed with less spend and cost savings visibility
  • Manual process, no RFQ portal, many offline processes, multiple data sources, manual excel offline files to calculate product costs, selling price and profitability
  • Cannot provide timely information for cost negotiation with suppliers for cost impact visibility
  • No supplier share optimization capability and missed opportunity, savings
  • No what-if modeling capability and real time analytics to support decision-making and sourcing strategy
  • Demand Forecasting

    Forecasting to predict future trends and changes in KPIs, and budgeting to get a roadmap for allocating resources to achieve financial goals.

  • Operational Planning

    Internal reports used to run the organization, make business decisions, and monitor progress to make more accurate, data-driven decisions.

  • Marketing Performance

    Proactive planning for uncertainties, enhance resilience, and adapt swiftly to changing circumstances.

  • Management Reporting

    Internal reports used to run the organization, make business decisions, and monitor progress to make more accurate, data-driven decisions.

  • Implemented an enterprise cost management system that connects multiple data sources, intelligence to drive decisions that impact the bottom line
  • Realtime collaboration between purchasing team and suppliers through RFQ portal for quotes and price negotiation.
  • Improved procurement effectiveness and process performance with a comprehensive sourcing strategy and decision making
  • Maximized productivity by automating best practice business processes, more time for purchasing and finance to manage high value and impactful activity.
  • 60% improved process performance
  • Near 40% cost savings in direct material procurement.
  • Cost and pricing cycle reduced from 2 months to 2 weeks
  • Eliminated manual process using an RFQ portal to provide timely information for negotiation and cost impact visibility
  • Streamlined processes and eliminated offline processes for BOM cost, transformation cost, freight cost, and factory spend
  • Enabled what-if modeling capability to support decision-making and sourcing
  • Real-time data refresh for analytics and reporting to provide timely visibility

Trusted by Industry Leaders