A renowned high-tech portfolio company includes intelligent cloud services, data services, and storage infrastructure that helps organizations manage applications and data everywhere across hybrid multi-cloud environments. The company’s cloud services and the world’s largest public clouds have been fostering mutually beneficial relationships ever since, well, cloud became a thing

  • ~$5B Revenues
  • 10+ Countries
  • 20+ Industries
  • 10+ Product & Services
  • ~11k+ Employees
  • 10+ Languages
  • No system for performing Territory & Quota planning
  • All the functionality was excel driven with manual driven
  • Planning was complex due to manual driven
  • Sales team Management were not able to take decisions in a timely manner
  • Data integration between multiple systems were done manually
  • Territory Planning

    Forecasting to predict future trends and changes in KPIs, and budgeting to get a roadmap for allocating resources to achieve financial goals.

  • Workforce Planning

    Internal reports used to run the organization, make business decisions, and monitor progress to make more accurate, data-driven decisions.

  • Marketing Performance

    Proactive planning for uncertainties, enhance resilience, and adapt swiftly to changing circumstances.

  • Reporting

    Internal reports used to run the organization, make business decisions, and monitor progress to make more accurate, data-driven decisions.

  • Multi level Territory & Quota planning as per assigned quota
  • Completely automated data integration using Informatica to pull data into Anaplan data hub.
  • Data from centralized data hub pushed to Territory & Quota planning model based on business logic.
  • Metrics to measure sales team performance based on targets achieved against quota allotted for a given period
  • Sales team has ability to re-assign sales persons within the different geographical hierarchical area
  • Streamlined T&Q process that involved 8 levels of Quota adjustments with more than 200 users
  • Hierarchy level report build based on product and business units
  • Reports generated for data to be pushed to downstream systems. Actions generated in Anaplan for users to run based on need.

Trusted by Industry Leaders