A renowned high-tech portfolio company includes intelligent cloud services, data services, and storage infrastructure that helps organizations manage applications and data everywhere across hybrid multi-cloud environments. The company’s cloud services and the world’s largest public clouds have been fostering mutually beneficial relationships ever since, well, cloud became a thing

  • ~$5B Revenues
  • 10+ Countries
  • 20+ Industries
  • 10+ Product & Services
  • ~11k+ Employees
  • 10+ Languages
  • The current NetApp Anaplan model did not have quotes data
  • No integration between Sales Forecast, Bookings, Opportunity with Quotes and Drives quotes pipeline data in Anaplan with source system data
  • Opportunity and Quotes data needed for analysis and decision making are not loaded into Anaplan. No visibility for big deals and average moving opportunities
  • Manual application of Threshold rules / big deals criteria by Operational managers to make decisions
  • Demand Forecasting

    Forecasting to predict future trends and changes in KPIs, and budgeting to get a roadmap for allocating resources to achieve financial goals.

  • Operational Planning

    Internal reports used to run the organization, make business decisions, and monitor progress to make more accurate, data-driven decisions.

  • Marketing Performance

    Proactive planning for uncertainties, enhance resilience, and adapt swiftly to changing circumstances.

  • Management Reporting

    Internal reports used to run the organization, make business decisions, and monitor progress to make more accurate, data-driven decisions.

  • A data hub model build in Anaplan by integrating Sales Forecast, Bookings, Opportunity with quotes, Drives quotes pipeline.
  • Big deals data for opportunities and quotes required for analysis and decision making will be loaded into Anaplan.
  • Build average moving of quotes and opportunities in sales phase and sales stage
  • Data Integration with Enterprise system to load open quotes.
  • Quote data loaded directly from quote system for cycle time calculation.
  • Loading of Opportunity and Pipeline data into Anaplan
  • What-if analysis to do scenario planning and see impact of large deals by utilizing current pipeline (current Quarter and Next Quarters) Sort/filter by largest Net Price & Estimated Bookings
  • Ability to provide a forecast prediction band during the quarter and narrow the prediction range as we approach Quarter end.
  • Automation of data load from source system to Anaplan reporting modules using Data integration tool (Informatica)

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